Showing posts with label house electrical wiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house electrical wiring. Show all posts

Thursday 21 May 2015

Advancements in High Voltage Cable Technology

When we think of electrical cables, we think of those wires and cables that aren’t really of any value to us.  We know that they transmit electricity, but we aren’t aware of any other purpose that these cables serve.  That is the reason why we don’t tend to care a lot about it.  With time, though, technology has evolved and things have transformed at a very brisk pace.  Today, these cables play a significant part in our day to day living.  We might not even be aware of those uses.

Let us first think of fireproof cables.  As the name suggests, these cables are fireproof.  It is not difficult to guess that they work towards the safety of our family.  By being fireproof, they ensure that our house, and our family, is kept safe and secure at all times.  Along with that, instrumentation cables power various electrical instruments.  Can you remember all the electrical instruments that you use in a single day?  Right from the clock to electrometers to voltmeters to various others – these are devices that help us in our daily lives or work.  Many engineers rely on these devices too.  Instrumentation cables help support all these instruments.  Can you think of your life without your home and office’s wall clock?  If not, then we should be thankful to the advancement in this technology.

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Thursday 22 January 2015

How To Ensure That Your House Wiring Works Seamlessly

electrical house wiring

We are all aware of the significance of proper house wiring.  We live in houses and we know that poor house wiring can lead to many mishaps and casualties.  What all can happen if the house electrical wiring is not properly installed?  In that case, it can lead to property damage if a house fire is caused by a short-circuit or some other wiring related problem.  Other associated problems can include injuries to the residents of the house, deaths, etc.

That is why it is imperative that you take the necessary steps to get everything right with your electrical house wiring.  One of the causes of the problem is the lack of information.  People tend to possess limited information about electrical cables and other aspects of wiring, and that can lead to problems.

Following are some tips that you are suggested to follow for the same:

WATTAGE COMPATIBILITY – Being aware about wattage compatibility can hold you in good stead.  Using electrical products with higher wattage than suggested for the infrastructure can prove to be ghastly and something that you need to stay away from.

INSTRUMENTATION CABLE – When the instrumentation cable is used, you need to make sure that the highest quality cable is used.  After all, it is a matter of your family’s wellbeing.

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Friday 12 December 2014

Make No Bones Choosing The Right Electrical Cables

cables and wires

One of the biggest reasons why short circuits happen and homes are burnt to ashes is because of the faulty wiring and the wrong electrical cables chosen. While selecting cables, a certified instructor would best know the amperage and heat generation associated with the product. If the wire is too small, the heat can cause the insulation to damage everything around. The size of the wire would be proportionate to what the amperage and heat dissipation would be. Hence choosing the right wires or cables for electrical fittings should be done with due-diligence, stay safe!

The circuit type
Installing a circuit is no big deal, but knowing the type of circuit to use is. Do you want a 110-volt or higher, maybe a 220-volt? Would it have a circuit that is dedicated or not, and what would it be used for; television, computers or the home appliances that wash and clean utensils and clothes? Be wise and then make a decision while choosing electrical cables.

Amperage determination
When installing a circuit, one has to think about the amperage. Let’s for example say a water heater this winter needs to be installed – in most cases, one would need 220v circuit for the same, and 30amps too. Read the instructions very carefully, or a morning shower could turn fatal!

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Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Latest in LED and House Wiring Solutions Explained

Polycab Lighting Creatives

Before you invest in electrical cables and LED's, we would ask you to check online and read reviews on which lighting would be best for your use.

For most of us, home is where the heart is! But, is your home fully protected and safe? Think again, it is probably not as safe as you think. People spend plenty of time and money on renovation to beautify their homes, but when it comes to their house wiring, they consciously compromise.

Ever since the news on LED discovery Noble Prize announcement was made, everyone across the world, especially homemakers have had their ears pinned up and high. Thanks to the advancement in technology, LED now is being looked at as a replacement from the ubiquities of conventional lighting and the incandescent bulbs.

Why is this so?
Before we even start top debate about the rise and popularity of LED lights, we would first ask you to think on practical notes - would you want to save money and have more energy, or are you happy paying a bomb? We think a lot about house wiring solutions when refurbishing our homes, don't we?

Well, now the time has come to think of 'good things in small packages' - LED's.

LED's have captured the fancy of many, because they are solid, small, and the width of the lights depend on the design, and are aesthetically pleasing too - cost-effective to say so. Use them as headlamps, flashlights or even as task lights, cluster them around or simply do away with the conventional ones and have the LEDs at home instead, LED's are making waves.

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Saturday 20 September 2014

Efficiency and Safety News on House Electrical Wiring

Homeowners these days have a wide-range of technological options. Some homes have instrumentation cables on high-end, residential cabling and plenty of upgrades done as well. Internet phones, Web television, gadgets and games etc; all of which puts burden on the house wiring like never before. Most of the homes built back then cannot handle the pressure - 50 years back, the wiring was a different ball game altogether. Homes these days should be wired for modern day technological needs - or else the products wouldn't work efficiently, and safely!

This article shall throw more light on house wiring and how modern day technology can assist in effectively managing all your wiring needs.

Installation of electrical house wiring should be done with due-diligence; safety matters come first. Studs and staples can hold the wires well, but can deform the wires over time, and bring down the performance or longevity too. Cables have to be installed in the right locations and in proper poise; no pinches allowed and avoidance of tight turns is a must as well.

Hence, it is important to note that safety comes first and one must take care of everything while performing electrical house wiring. From the quality of the wires to the method of installation, everything counts.

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Monday 9 June 2014

Electrical House Wiring During Monsoon

Electrical House Wiring Solutions

Here are some effective tips on house wriring this rainy season to keep your home and family safe:

Electrical house wiring is an integral part of a safe home. People often take care about the exterior beauty of their home, and ignore the use of quality wires to save some extra bucks. If good quality wires are not used the chances of short circuit rises during rainy season, that can lead to fire. It is highly recommended to use quality wires that are verified and tested by a trusted company. It is also necessary to check on the electrical wiring just before the start of monsoon. This gives enough time to the qualified electricians to replace the damaged wires with the new ones and ensure that the house is waterproof and safe.

Make sure that the area around the electrical circuit or switch board is dry. There are times, if the walls are not well maintained the rain water comes in through the wall and damages the area around the switch board. This makes the area wet or damp making it dangerous and shock prone. It is important to check on the quality of walls and house electrical wiring, to keep your home and family safe. If you think the area around the switch board is wet, do not touch the switch board or insert any electrical applaince, without wearing rubber gloves or chappals. This will ensure that you do not come in direct contact with electricity and face a life threatening shock.

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Tuesday 8 April 2014

Guide To Basic House Wiring

Basic House Wiring

In this article, we'll equip you with basic tips that you need to follow while operating electrical devices.

The first thing you need to remember while handling any electrical equipment or inspecting wires, is to check the power source. The main power outlet should be turned off and the plugs of the machines should be removed from their sockets. Secondly, you should wear protective gear like rubber gloves and slippers, safety glasses and dust masks. Never touch any electrical appliance directly, always use a quality tester to check the electrical unit or the appliance. If you want to inspect wires and cables, then make sure to get enough knowledge about the electrical codes.

Knowing electrical codes is very important, when it comes to checking wires and cables in electrical circuits. Electricity can be dangerous; if handled incorrectly, it can put both your life and that of your family members in jeopardy. Hence, learn about the local codes and regulations, and follow them religiously. When it comes to electrical house wiring, there are three basic components that you need to familiarize yourself with - the service entry, panel board and branch circuits. The service entry should be 10 feet above the ground, and refers to the main power grid of your home. The panel board is the control center that distributes electricity to other appliances. The branch circuits refer to those areas, where electric current is distributed from panel boards.

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Monday 10 March 2014

Signs That Suggest Your Electrical House Wiring Needs A Change

electrical house wiring

Accidents at home can be avoided, if we pay attention to our electrical house wiring. Regular inspection and electrical maintenance can prevent many electrical hazards.

Circuit breakers and fuses play the most important role when it comes to preventing electrical accidents. They trip when the circuit is exposed to more electricity than it can handle. While fuses and circuit breakers perform the same task, the fuse requires a replacement whenever it is blown out, whereas the breakers can be used multiple times. If the fuse or the breaker blows out even when the number of amps passing through the circuit is low, then the electrical cables that connect to the circuit have multiple issues.


Friday 21 February 2014

All About Electrical Cables

During building construction or house electrical wiring, it is important to use these cables carefully. The electrical cable jacket material is a potential source of adding fuel to the fire. Use of cable coating materials or cable jackets that are inherently fire-retardant, are beneficial to limit the spread of fire. During the time of installation, the plastic covering metal-clad cables are stripped off to reduce the fuel sources of fire. Another way to reduce the chances of a fire outbreak is, to use inorganic coatings and boxes around cables; this will safeguard the adjacent areas from fire threats. It is also important to have a thin layer of protection, as a fat layer can cause a heat trap.

Every wire company in India, makes sure that they provide their customers with the safest wires and cables. They possess a wide range of cable types like Heliax cables, flexible cables, direct buried cables, communication cables, coaxial cables, metallic and non-metallic sheathed cables, shielded cables, etc. These are the various types of cables that are electric in nature and are available in the market. It is very important to give safety the first priority, and ensure that our house is wired with great safety for a healthy life.

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Friday 14 February 2014

Why Quality Insulation Is Essential For House Wiring

House Wiring Solutions

Quality house wiring and insulation forms the pre-requisite of every modern home. The wiring that we use in our homes should meet a variety of factors, apart from meeting up with the requirements. The gauge size of the wire, the insulation used, the conductor and its size, and its sheath, should match the amount of electricity supplied through the outlet. The abbreviations used in the sheath of the cables suggests the tensile strength or the capacity of the wires. While THWN electrical cables are thermoplastic heat and moisture resistant nylon-coated wires, the THHN wires are thermoplastic high heat resistant nylon-coated wires.

While the heat resisting capacity of wires that have 'H' inscribed on them can sustain upto 167F, the ones that have 'HH' inscribed on them can bear upto 194F. The letter 'W' stands for water resistance, and 'N' stands for the nylon coating that makes the wires resistant to gasoline and oil. Moreover, the colour used in the sheath of the wire also signifies its purpose. Improper insulation will not only waste electricity and increase your power bills, but will also put your life at risk.

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Friday 17 January 2014

Color Codes In Electrical House Wiring

House Wiring Solutions

A color scheme for insulation on power conductors was introduced for safety purposes, and easy identification of the right wire. A formal color coding is mandatory for standardized electrical code, while the rest are optional. Codes are modified as and when they are revised, which results in different colors for older installations. Due to insulation exposure to heat, light and aging, the shades and colors of the codes may sometimes vary. The local rules are different in every area, due to which exceptions exist in the colors of wires and cables.
International standards were adopted because of its distinctive appearance, which reduced the likelihood of danger. To identify the safety of a wire, simple color codes are used. Through these codes, people can now easily recognize the wire that is safe. Awareness of simple codes like a yellow wire wrapped around a green wire is the the earthing wire. This wire is also known as the grounding wire, one that leaves the current in the ground causing zero harm to a person while handling it. There are people who cannot recognize the color red and green because of color blindness; hence, the color yellow was finalized as the color for earthing wires. When people work on house electrical wiring, they can work without any tension, when they see a yellow wire wrapped around the green wire.


Tuesday 7 January 2014

World Of Wires And Cables And Its Need In Modern Times

wires and cables - polycab

The need for copper and its explorations in the electrical world cannot be ignored. Every advancement in technology can be credited to this sober metal that scores high on conductivity and strength. Copper cables and wires started the electrical wiring journey in the 1820's, and they continue to dominate the wiring sector. Though technological advancements drastically transformed the cabling industry, the one thing that continues to remain the same, is the need for copper wires.

Apart from holding the prime position as the internationally approved metal for home wiring, these wires continue to hold great honor and recognition among architects and electricians, for their reliability, malleability and conductivity. Some electrical experts swear by this metal, and state that no metal has ever been found, that can actually replicate the properties of copper.


Thursday 5 December 2013

The Need For Modern House Wiring Solutions Exposed

House Wiring Solutions

Today, people require modern electrical house wiring systems that best fulfill their endless needs. At such times, smart cabling is the only solution.

There was a time when people truly believed, “Home is Where the Heart is!” But now, since the advent of technology, nothing remains the same. The advancement of technology and our growing attachment for hi-tech appliances and gadgets, has provoked us to find solace at the sight of a sign that says “free Wi-Fi”. Though new technology is invented every fortnight and existing ones are further improved with each passing month, the sole proprietor that continues to make such developments possible, is electricity. When referring to electricity, the most important and integral element that co-exists with the term electricity is wires and cables. From being the best companion of all appliances to being the core component that helps in transmission of power, cables and wires have come a long way since their inception, and they still continue to provide us the require services.

Many people have a misconception that all wires have the same properties, with minor changes in terms of their appearance, sheath and gauge size, to suit their defined applications. However, that is not the whole truth. Cables are of different types, and the conductors used in them are changed as per the requirement. Though there are many other metallic and non-metallic conductors, copper continues to be the most common form of a conductor, which is extensively used for house wiring solutions. Even industries prefer copper wires for their vast range of benefits, that include resistance against corrosion and electrical overloads, high electrical conductivity, flexibility, ductility and compatibility with varied electrical insulators.


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